Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 10-17 Minnesota

We left Grafton and spent the next week at our house in New Hope, MN. We got to see many of our family and friends - another week of nonstop activity! I couldn't take many pictures (battery charger in Ireland), so most of these are from Leah, Hannah, and my Dad. Thanks for letting me use them!

If you'd like to watch homevideos of our week at home, click on these links:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

"Our Minnesota Home"

Our expanding family.
A highlight of our time was getting to know Abby, our new sister-in-law!

Many people say that Moriah looks most like Auntie Leah or Grandma Judy.

Aaron enjoyed some time with Great-grandma Dyrud :)

The boys have asked me a few times over the past months if Uncle Jake misses tickling them. I think they miss Uncle Jake tickling them!

We spent a day playing with Cory, Debbie, Davis & Drew.

It's getting harder and harder to get a good picture of all the kids...and there will be another one in October!

Jill, Hadley, and Jonah were up from Texas visiting family - so glad our paths could cross!

Also getting harder to get a picture of all these kids - can you tell where Jill was standing?

We had fun playing with our neighbors, Natalie, Emma, and Jack, again!

We celebrated Moriah's birthday by grilling in 97 degree heat with 75% humidity.
These are the times I long for a dining room or at least a bigger kitchen!

Uncle Paul & Auntie Abby

Auntie Hannah

Uncle Mike came from Ohio to see us!
We praise God for his recovery from surgery and that he was able to come!

Caught red-handed.

I'm surprised she made this face - she must have known Hannah was taking a picture. She has eaten lemons many times and loves them!

Thursday night, Grandpa took them "camping" in the backyard. They even slept out in the tent. Aaron has talked many times this year about the time they did this last summer - a great memory!

Paul and Abby took them out in the canoe.

Beautiful Minnesota

Friday, we played on the lake.

They searched, but couldn't find any worms. No fish took the chicken bait, but Aaron caught some seaweed, and they found the snapping turtles.

The boys had a great time with Paul on the jet ski! (They'll have better memories than I do of jet-skiiing with Paul. Many years ago, he convinced me to water ski behind didn't go well.)

Auntie Rebekah

A minor collision.

Time to say "Goodbye"...for a few more months.

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