Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 13 - Enjoying the time...

...that we have left. Our time here has gone so quickly that, with three months left, we feel like the year is winding down fast. I'm trying to enjoy every day, every view, every sunset. Last week, I was trying to get a few good pictures outside our house, so that's half of this blog. The rest... just random. This one, for instance: Aaron had practiced riding without training wheels, then Daniel put them back on. The boys were playing in the backyard the next morning, and I looked out to see Silas with the wrench in one hand, hammer in the other, banging away on the training wheel to get it off. I couldn't grab the camera fast enough to catch him in action. Daniel put his toolbox out of reach when he got home and I told him about it.

Daniel took this one. I had been taking pictures from the second floor.

These are from the third floor.

Moriah had strep throat, so was very sad and cuddly last week. Turns out she is allergic to Amoxicillin...just like her mommy.

She's been giving lots of kisses lately.

I took a picture almost every evening last week (as you might have noticed).

By Friday, I had enough pictures to choose from and Aaron could ride on two wheels!
Silas likes "bashing" Aaron on his bike - it was a good game when Aaron's bike had training wheels.

Rain or shine, Silas likes to wear these rainboots from his friend Owen. Earlier in the day, he had his snowboots on.

Feeling almost herself again :)

She had taken a couple first steps before she got sick. Now she's back to standing on her own for just a couple seconds before she carefully bends forward and sits down.

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