Monday, December 21, 2009

December 19 - Cliffs of Moher

Mom offerred to keep the boys at home today so we could go sightseeing. We drove down into county Clare to the Cliffs of Moher a little over an hour away. The drive and the destination were equally beautiful! (Click on pictures to see in full screen.)
Low tide; entering the fishing village of Kinvarra on our way to see the Cliffs of Moher

Kinvarra; note the thatch roof on the red and white building. Many buildings and houses in Ireland have thatch roofs and are heated by burning peat.

We think the speed limits are outrageous for the road conditions - especially considering all the huge tour busses and clueless tourists trying to navigate this area! The shoulder is about 3 inches wide or there is none at all; there are countless blind curves; and look out for bicyclists and pedestrians who share your lane!! 100 km/hr is 62 mph. We felt reckless going 60 km/hr. Poor local folks who were behind us...

For a knowledgeable (yet brief) explanation of the significance of this geographical area of Ireland, I'll refer you to this webpage

A beautiful coast road!

I had just said to Daniel, "I wonder where the tour busses stop at lookout points." We rounded the bend and got my answer: wherever they feel like it. The driver just waved at us to pass.

The interesting rocky landscape of the Burren. In the distance, two of the Aran Islands.

As I've mentioned before, the Irish have put all this rock to good use - miles of rock walls line the roads and divide the pastures. That's our car. We waited to find a place to pull out of the road before stopping for a photo op.

Our first glimpse of the Cliffs of Moher in the distance

Ballynalacken Castle near Doolin in county Clare. Built in the 15th century, the basement is believed to be as old as the 10th century.

Just arriving at the "beach" where ferries leave for tours - thanks for the heads-up!

The Cliffs of Moher behind us. Rebekah, if you're reading this, we brought a tripod.

The Cliffs of Moher: if this looks familiar, you may be a Princess Bride fan and know them as the "Cliffs of Insanity"

Tried to get a closer look at the seagulls

Pretty awesome view...pretty awesome wind...
completely awesome God!

The girls

O'Brien's Tower - built in 1835 as a viewing point for tourists to view the Cliffs (and far beyond on a very clear day)

Again, thanks for the heads-up

Looking in the other direction

It's really hard to appreciate how high up this is. As a reference point, that tiny, white dot almost
in the center of the picture is a seagull in flight. Daniel took this picture. I didn't dare get this close to the edge at this spot. The wind was fierce; I was holding Moriah; the safety railing was a few old fenceposts and a couple strings of barbed wire. The sign read, "EXTREME DANGER! Unstable cliff edge."

The people in the foreground were just walking straight until a gust of wind threw them off balance. With that in mind, check out the guy standing on top of the Tower!

A stable on a farm. Hi donkey :) We're headed back home.

Seaside farms in the Burren

Dunguair "Castle" - really a tower house built in 1520

Another thatch roof - driving through the town of Clarinbridge back in county Galway.
Back in Oranmore, almost home. Not being from a rural area where I could see animals at pasture everyday, I am enjoying this :)

Look what we came upon when we drove into our estate. Mom had walked to town with the boys while we were gone to stock our fridge before she leaves.

We're going to miss you, Mom! Thank you so much for everything you did for us and the kids while you were here. We can't imagine how hard these weeks of adjusting would have been without you here. We love you!

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