Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve

We awoke to fog...

...and frost creating a bleak, yet beautiful landscape.

For breakfast, we tried Irish Potato Farls. No offense intended to our fellow Norwegians, but we think they are better than lefse.

The boys both enjoyed their "Christmas tea" - chai with cream.

Aaron put his cup up for cheers - we didn't teach him and can't figure out when he learned it. Guess he's more culturally observant than we thought.

Egg yolk wasn't well-received

I'm embarrased to admit that I've never paid attention to how to roast a turkey much less done it, I cut the string before putting it in the oven. The result was less than aesthetically pleasing. It was also a bit overdone. Next year, I'll gladly return to my lowly roles of table-setter, dish-washer, and heater of canned peas!

My critics weren't any pickier than usual, and now I can say I've made a Christmas dinner.

Daniel did a little "pre-school" with Aaron. I've been doing some each day with him. It's been nice to be at home with the kids getting into a routine.

Moriah keeps waking up at night. I thought she'd want to eat, but she was happy to just play with Daddy. She must have known it was a special night :)

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