Saturday, December 26, 2009


The frost was even thicker this morning, giving us the gift of a rare White Christmas in Ireland!

The boys opened gifts - Uncle Michael Presteng sent them these.

As if he couldn't guess what it was, he unwrapped it tiny piece by tiny piece with a completely serious expression, then...
..."Oh! A hockey stick!" he exclaimed!

Lots of the fun was the digging through crumpled up newspaper to find their gifts :)

For Aaron, a Thomas DVD - no end in sight to this "phase"

Peppa Pig for Silas. (It's a British kids cartoon they've grown fond of)

Roary the Racing Car - another British favorite


...the winner, hands-down.

Same views five hours later - gone was the White Christmas. We sure enjoyed it while it lasted!

It's always a little sad when Christmas Day comes to an end. Though we had a longing in our hearts to be back home with our families, we will always remember this as a special Christmas with just our little family.


Christmas Eve

We awoke to fog...

...and frost creating a bleak, yet beautiful landscape.

For breakfast, we tried Irish Potato Farls. No offense intended to our fellow Norwegians, but we think they are better than lefse.

The boys both enjoyed their "Christmas tea" - chai with cream.

Aaron put his cup up for cheers - we didn't teach him and can't figure out when he learned it. Guess he's more culturally observant than we thought.

Egg yolk wasn't well-received

I'm embarrased to admit that I've never paid attention to how to roast a turkey much less done it, I cut the string before putting it in the oven. The result was less than aesthetically pleasing. It was also a bit overdone. Next year, I'll gladly return to my lowly roles of table-setter, dish-washer, and heater of canned peas!

My critics weren't any pickier than usual, and now I can say I've made a Christmas dinner.

Daniel did a little "pre-school" with Aaron. I've been doing some each day with him. It's been nice to be at home with the kids getting into a routine.

Moriah keeps waking up at night. I thought she'd want to eat, but she was happy to just play with Daddy. She must have known it was a special night :)

"Christmasy" Pictures

This past week...

Last Sunday we had a little snow; strange to see it snow on a palm tree. This weather is unusually cold for Ireland, we're told. I guess we brought a little Minnesota winter with us - the locals do not appreciate it!

Moriah's getting pretty playful!

She tried her first food, mushed banana...

..and was not a fan.

Silas will sometimes sit in front of the fridge looking at all the pictures of family "far away." It has been hard to see and hear from the boys that they are missing home.

Most of the time, they are happy - they are little boys after all! Here's their playroom and some playtime pictures :D

Daniel's teaching Aaron how to do hand stands - Aaron's always been a physical kid, and wholeheartedly enjoyed the new challenge!

His new favorite game is Pickle-in-the-Middle. He likes being the Pickle.

Daniel's trying to teach Silas how to catch. His strengths involve more fine motor skills!

Moriah loves her exersaucer every bit as much as her brothers did!

Silas thought she needed a few more things to play with, so donated two of his Pooh blankies and his doll - now she's a little cramped.

"I have lots of work to do"

Aaron had just stripped the ball from Silas. What he lacks in skills, he more than makes up for in passion for the game!

A toddling lesson - big brother's ready to pounce

She knows when she's in danger!

"Gentle" is such a hard concept...

They do sit still for a good book now and then :)