Monday, May 24, 2010


Just a collection of random pictures over the last couple weeks...

This is Silas' creation - a 'car'. Extravagant taste for and almost-3-yr-old!
(Note it even has a helipad.)
This one's Aaron's - he said it's our church.

Lawn clippings!

One of 'our' horses in the pasture in front of our house.

Now there is a herd of cows that graze in the pasture too.

I waited as Silas was digging in the serving bowl getting just the right bite....of spinach!

We bought the boys each a glider (they lasted apx 36 hrs). I took this picture right after Aaron told me that the 'driver' of his glider is 'Pontias Pilate.'
It was a good laugh though he had not intended to be funny!

Aaron's really been attentive to Moriah and loves to entertain her!

She loves the freedom to explore outside the excersaucer.

Windy days are good for something!

I had to take a picture (or three) of this ponytail that fanned out perfectly!

Our first sundress day!! It got to around 80* on Saturday and Sunday!!

This is the expression of heading for the stairs...

This is a new she made it all the way to the top!

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