Friday, November 12, 2010

October 30,31 - Kilrush & Halloween

We took a drive south to Kilrush - a town on the coast where the River Shannon meets the ocean. I hadn't done my planning like usual - it was a short drive and a laid-back day. We got to Kilrush and to the docks at 2:40. We wondered if the dolphin-watching and Scattery Island boat trips were I went into the marina office and asked. I got a look from the guy behind the desk that said, "Wow, Lady, you make a pathetic tourist," while out loud, he said, "The last boat of the season went at 2:00." Should have done some planning. Daniel accuses me of being anal, so I try to fly by the seat of my pants instead of planning for this daytrip and look where it gets us. I'm just going to stick with my anal ways, I think.

Scattery Island lies 1 km off the mainland and is the site of a monastery dating from the 7th century. You can see the round-tower and a ruined church.

At the marina, someone was thoughtful enough to put some fake dolphins in the water for those who miss the boat tours.

We drove along the coast for a while on the way home.

We don't know what they were doing - either playing some game or working in the field. Or it was a meeting of the Wellies Club.

We got stuck in an Irish traffic jam - a farmer on his bicycle driving the cows home.

In some areas, the brush has completely overgrown the rock walls, so it looks like hedges are dividing the fields.

The boys brought yoyo's in the car (I know, not really an appropriate car toy). Aaron got his tangled around his neck, so had to wear it as a necklace for a couple hours until we got home and could get it off. I'm not sure why he's so proud if it.


The boys were "Superhero's" (thanks, Auntie Leah), and Moriah was a flower - an impulse buy from Children's Place after Halloween last year...for $2 - not bad.

We didn't go out trick-or-treating, but the boys had a few pieces from the candy we were passing out. They didn't realize they were missing out on anything. :)

Moriah snuck a piece...

...and we took it away.

She was ticked... we gave her a wrapper.

She probably ate the wrapper.

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