Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 6 - Autumn in Connemara

We took our last drive through my favorite place in Ireland. I've enjoyed this scenery in each season, but Connemara in autumn colors is breathtaking!

We drove north into County Mayo.

Croagh Patrick, with its worn footpath.

We drove onto Achill Island - the first time we've been here.

An entire village was deserted and left for ruin during the Great Famine of the 1840's.

The village sits at the base of the mountain...

This reminded me of the painting, The Lost Sheep by Alfred M Soord, based on the parable in Matthew 18 and Luke 15 of the Good Shepherd who went out to search for His one missing lamb. In the painting, Soord depicts the Shepherd resucuing the lamb from the edge of a cliff.

Harvesting and bagging the turf (peat).

"This road has no shoulder, and bog is squishy."

Killary Fjord.

Near Ballyconneely

The Twelve Bens of Connemara from Roundstone Village.

Daniel said he hadn't stepped on a bog yet, so I insisted he stop the car, pushed him out into the rain, and took his picture. :)

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