Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 4 - Full House!

Resurrection Sunday!

The boys found their baskets Mom had put together and hidden.

After church, our friend Joy gave each of the little kids a chocolate egg. Aaron and his friend Owen found a good hiding spot under the table and each ate their whole egg- and they were least they weren't solid!

Good chance for a family picture.

Every posed picture is followed by a "silly faces" picture lately, per Aaron's request.

Here's what she really thought of having her picture taken.

We went down to the Cliffs of Moher with Dad and the girls. This is typical landscape in the Burren.

The Cliffs of Moher

Careful, Jen!


Poulnabrone portal tomb.

After we got back home, the boys hunted for the eggs Mom brought and hid (are you getting the sense that I didn't do a whole lot of work at home this week?)

Later, we took the girls and Dad to The Crane pub to hear live traditional Irish music. Two Cokes and three mineral waters and enjoyed the good music!

Monday, their last day here, we stayed home and played.
rocking the 'boat'

floor hockey

sorry we didn't have a bigger hockey stick, Dad

showing off

gymnastics skills

In the car on our way out to eat, Grandpa took these pictures of the kids...maybe so he wouldn't forget them as they are now...

her whispy hair

and chubby legs

his silly faces

his curly locks.
They grow so fast and change so much in such a short time.

good-bye pictures

good-night pictures

I told the boys I'd leave their door open as I left them in bed...I knew they'd come downstairs. I just couldn't make them go to sleep quite yet. As I expected, they were down after a few minutes...a few more stories, and 'good-bye' for real...until July. :(

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