Monday, April 19, 2010

April 10 - Firsts

Last Saturday was a warm, sunny day - a first. We went to play at the park. I've never taken the kids in for professional photos at the "milestone" months or ever, for that matter; instead, I just try to take some special pictures at these ages myself. Sometimes they turn out well, other times not. I dressed Moriah up in an outfit from Debbie - hat from Leah - and tried to do a "9-month photo shoot" with her in the field while Daniel played at the park with the boys. Suffice it to say, she was much too busy learning, for the first time, about the grass and flowers to look at me or smile. She did have fun with her first time on a swing! Almost as soon as we got to the park, though, Aaron had his first bicycle accident. He "loves going fast down the hill!" A skinned elbow was the result. He was very proud of his scrape...

Aaron jumps in front of cameras...he did not get it from me! I have a hunch who he did get it from - one of his aunts on my side. I'll let you wonder ;)

One more "first" for the day: Daniel said to me, "Sarah, could you go get the camera and take a picture of me..."
Normally he says things like, "You can put the camera away now, Sarah." What could be the momentous occasion, I wondered! He wanted a picture of himself and Aaron making chocolate chip cookie dough together - in this Presteng household, this is the men's job.

1 comment:

  1. I think your photo shoot turned out really well! I knew Micheal was a cookie baker; didn't know Daniel had the knack, too. Sounds yummy.
