Saturday, February 20, 2010

February 14 - Birthday Surprise!!

We got home from our trip to Rome at 4:00am on my birthday. I went to bed not knowing a surprise was waiting for me!! Many of you knew Leah was coming to Ireland, but I didn't. In the morning, the boys and Mom brought me breakfast in bed then left our room saying they had one more gift for me...

I'll back up now and use Leah's pictures to show you what they were up to from her arrival on the 12th until we got back from Rome the 14th.

Grandma took the boys to the bus stop, having told them someone was coming to see them. These were the reactions as Leah stepped off the bus and took a picture. Silas stared blankly at first. I think his little mind was doing a calculation of sorts, trying to figure out how she came out of the computer (Skype) and got to Ireland!

"I'm excited to see you!" they each kept telling her.
She had a few gifts for them in her suitcase. They're going to start assuming that all suitcases are full of presents for them!

New shirts...which they have been requesting nearly every day since.

They all got to work on gifts for my birthday ;) The boys made cc cookie dough with some supervision then each decorated a container using their new stickers.

Next it was monster cookies with Valentine M&M's to share at church.

Sunday morning while we were still sleeping, they were working on making cards.

Ready to bring me my birthday surprise...


I was so happy to see my sister!

Dude, it's 'Valentimes' Day.

The week before we went to Rome, Grandma had taught Moriah to do "Sooo Big"

Happy 19th Birthday to Me.

Hey, why not, it was just us.

A new accessory from Auntie

During naptime one afternoon, we went on an "adventure" with just Aaron to the Friary nearby

Aaron chose this spot to have his picture taken

This new book that Davis & Drew Buck sent over has been requested many, many times! It's called Corey Combine and the Great Big Mess. I think they identify with it. ;)

Aaron has been taking a lot of pictures lately - this self portrait is one of his many masterpieces.

Desperate measures trying to get them to eat a meal faster

We took Leah in to see Galway city one day

Feeding the ducks

The water level in the River has dropped quite a bit since December (see Galway blog) as you can see along the rocks in this picture.

I didn't see this myself, but Leah and Mom found Aaron talking to the clothes in the washer. Hmm......

"Hugs and smooches" as Leah says.

Thursday evening...having to say good bye...

One more cuddle...

One more time..."How big is Moriah?"...

"Sooo Big!"

One last bedtime story.
Thank you so much for coming to visit us, Leah - it was so fun to have you here!

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