Monday, March 15, 2010

March 13,14 - Birds of Prey, Aillwee Cave

On Saturday, we took a short trip down to Aillwee Cave and the Burren Birds of Prey Centre. The boys love the children's books, Bear Snores On and We're Going on a Bear Hunt, and we told the boys that they'd get to see the bones of a dead bear in the cave. They were excited, but not as excited as Daniel was to see the birds of prey...

On a nature walk while waiting for the bird show.

I am SO happy to see flower pots - spring is here!! I am getting impatient for the "Emerald Isle" to live up to its name...c'mon, Ireland, turn's like the watched pot never boiling.


Great Grey Owl

Eurasian Eagle Owl

American Red Tailed Hawk

White Backed Vulture

Long Eared Owl

Harris Hawk

Snowy Owl

Common Buzzard
Bateleur Eagle

This is Bud.

White-tailed or Sea Eagle

Saker falcon, from the Middle East

View of Galway Bay

Inside Aillwee Cave

I didn't know how to get a picture of them and the waterfall behind them. I think I needed the tripod, no flash, and a super long exposure in which case the boys would have been a blur.
I also don't know how to use photoshop, so, in your mind, please photoshop this waterfall into the above picture behind the boys.
Tana came to my aid!! She emailed this to me after looking at this blog :D Thanks, Tana!!

When we were out of the cave and walking back to the car, Aaron asked me, "When are we going to the cave?" Confused, I said, "We were just in the cave, Aaron." "But I didn't see any bears!"

Sunday was Mother's Day here in Ireland. We dressed in green to get in the spirit for St Patrick's Day this week!

Daniel played with the kids for the afternoon and let me relax. I think I'll need to observe American Mother's Day too ;)

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